Support our team by purchasing raffle tickets! CLICK THIS TEXT to purchase raffle tickets for a $200 Amazon Gift Card!
Only 50 raffle tickets available!
$8 Each plus a Zeffy fee to cover processing costs. The raffle winner will be chosen after all 50 tickets have been sold. Donate to charity!
(1) Payments for raffle tickets must be made by debit card only.
(2) Buyer responsible to pick up prize within 30 days at a location in Berks County, PA. Location to be determined at a later date.
MARCH 22 - 7:00pm
Join us at the Reading Royals for an exciting evening - we're the main sponsor for the night and this is a fundraising event.
We'll have 50-50 raffle and you can meet our team members!
Purchase ticket through our website and the Royals will donate $5 per ticket to our team!
The best way to support Berks County Search and Rescue is to join and volunteer your time. (More info)
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we need and accept donations. All operational costs are paid for through fundraising, work projects, and donations.
Our members provide a limited amount of their own personal equipment. The team is always in need of financial support to pay for group equipment such as radios, medical supplies, vehicles, drone maintenance, technical rescue equipment, and other consumables.
Your Monetary tax-deductible donation may be sent to:
Berks County Search and Rescue Inc.
PO Box113
Mohnton, PA 19540
Shop and donate at the same time - just three easy steps:
(1) Register on iGive to ensure iGive properly credits Berks County Search and Rescue each time you shop.
(2) Shop at a Participating Retailer by picking a store and iGive will send you to their website. Then, you just shop as usual!
(3) Berks County SAR earns money!
The stores that partner with iGive give back a percentage of your purchase to our team!
We sell awesome shirts and accessories with cute sayings on them, all to help support our team. These are fabulous gift items!
Interested in making a difference?
Join our team!
We now offer Auxiliary memberships for those who want to make a difference by helping with events, fundraising, office duties, equipment maintenance, and more!
Full members take part in all activities involved with active searches, training, fundraising, events, drone unit, mantracking unit, and much more!
Please support us by purchasing vital supplies from our Amazon Wish List.
Your Wish List donation could help us save a life!
Spread the word. Tell your friends, family, fire department and law enforcement... We are here to assist those in need of our services. If its an emergency dial 911 and request our assistance.
Join us at the Reading Royals
on Saturday, March 22!
Each ticket purchased through our website supports our team!